Safeguarding Office


The Archdiocese of Perth is the first of Australia’s Catholic dioceses to begin to establish Safeguarding Officers across its network of parishes. The Safeguarding Office is responsible for ensuring the safety of children, young people and the vulnerable within the confines of the Catholic Church across the Archdiocese of Perth, educating the Catholic community on child protection and protective behaviours, and establishing Safeguarding Officers within Perth’s metropolitan and rural parishes.


Director Safeguarding Program: Andrea Musulin

29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9221 7762

  • Part 1: Perth leads the way on facing abuse

     In a two-part series, leader and pioneer in child protection, Andrea Musulin, talks of dramatic changes taking place in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to face abuse head on and to minimise future opportunities of its reoccurence.

  • Part 2: Perth leads way on facing abuse

    Comparing her present role to her previous work, Musulin said that the Catholic Church is a very different place to working with the Police.