Dear All,

The Centre for Liturgy has developed a collection of resources for a program to refresh and review the part that the Sacrament of Penance, or as it is openly referred to, reconciliation or confession, plays in the church and our lives. The different names emphasize different aspects of the sacrament. These resources may help your parishioners in their journey towards the Sacrament of Penance.

The resource contains:
•   Six  Reflection Sheets on the Sacrament
•    Six short Bulletin Bits for the parish newsletter
•    Six single PowerPoint Slides [in both standard and wide screen formats]

Examination of Conscience
•    A ten-minute video reflection based on the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
•    Individual video reflections on each of the nine Fruit of the Holy Spirit [2 minutes each]

The intention is to provide creative resources in a variety of mediums to select and use what will work best for the parish community.

The material can be used for meeting and group reflection, handed out to parishioners, or published on your own website or linked to the Centre for Liturgy Website.

Kind regards,
Sr Kerry Willison rsm
Centre for Liturgy