Welcome to Catholic Earthcare!
Our Earthcare Community is full of Earthcarers: like-minded Catholic parishes, schools, organisations and households committed to caring for our common home.
“A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
Everything is connected
In his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis reminds us that everything is connected. Our relationship with nature is not separate from our relationship with God and others. This concept of integral ecology encourages us to care for the Earth and each other. It calls us to action.
When you join Earthcare, you become part of our Parishes, Schools, Organisations or Households Community. We keep you up to date with the latest events, conversations and approaches to integral ecology and achieving social and ecological justice. And we’ll support you to create and implement your Laudato Si’ Action Plan.
The Australian Catholic Bishops encourage each Catholic parish, diocese, eparchy, educational institution and organisation to join the Laudato Si’ Action Platform by 2024 and develop a Laudato Si’ Action Plan.
Australian Guide to Laudato Si’ Action Planning
A new offering from Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare program, this guide outlines a 4-step cycle of self-assessment, reflection, planning and action that complements the global Laudato Si’ Action Platform. It is designed to help you initiate practical, meaningful change within your parish, school, household or organisation as you plan and take action to live Laudato Si’.
Sign up to receive your free copy!
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