Thursday, 1st December 2022


Don’t be a Bystander – Be Upstanding and Speak Up: Don’t allow silence to be interpreted as compliance to a culture of violence. Speak up and name the abuse, such as harassment, bullying (including on-line/cyber-bullying) and varying acts of violence. Challenge myths that diffuse responsibility such as “it’s their business” or “it’s not my problem”.

Change the discourse from diffused or individual responsibility to collective responsibility or action. You could ask instead, “how did we let this happen?” and “how can we change this situation and support you?”. Don’t turn a blind eye, be passive or indifferent to acts of violence and abuse. Step up or step in by recognising and naming power imbalances, privilege and entitlement. Always be aware of safety concerns but help break the silence.


Click on the below image to view the 2022-23 SJS Prayer Card