Wishing you a ‘Holy’ and ‘Blessed’ Easter…
The Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) would like to wish you All a ‘Blessed’, ‘Holy’ and ‘Joy-filled’ Easter 2023.
Whilst in preparation for Easter, may we remember the importance of Holy Week and all it entails, and may we remember that Easter is a time of giving.
Holy Week
Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday & Holy Wednesday
Holy Thursday (Mass of the Last Supper)
Good Friday (Stations of the Cross & The Lord’s Passion)
Easter Saturday (Easter Vigil)
Easter Sunday (Christ is Risen)
May we continue reach out to those in need during this season of Lent including…
- our homeless brothers and sisters
- our senior neighbours
- all migrants & refugees
- the lonely and house-bound including those struggling with their mental health.
- Victims of Abuse
Praying that you keep safe and well during this Lenten Season and beyond.
With Easter fast approaching, we would like to take the opportunity to ask you consider purchasing ‘Slavery-free’ Easter Eggs. Look out for the following ‘slavery-free’ logos…
For more information click the following link…https://acrath.org.au/slavery-free-easter-eggs/
For any JEDO related issues or enquiries please contact admin.jedo@perthcatholic.org.au.