Friday, 9th December 2022


Our faith affirms the God-given (inherent) right to dignity in us ALL:

With this in mind, we are called by God to ‘relationships marked by equality and reciprocity rather than domination and violence, respect and freedom rather than coercion and control’ (SJ Statement, p 13). While perpetrators need to account and take responsibility for their own abusive and violent behaviour; as a community, we all need to be aware of cultural and structural violence that can reinforce or minimise gender-based violence.


We invite you to prayerfully reflect on what is right and just, our moral compass, acknowledging that ‘Jesus rejects the use of religious traditions to justify violence’. Refer to SJ Statement (p 8) – Respect, Dignity, Justice, Transformation & Hope:

Click on the below image to view the 2022-23 SJS Prayer Card